sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

Hey Fourth Graders, here you can review how well you comprehended Martina's story. Visit this site and get ready to be more than good.

Martina's questions

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

Hello Sixth graders, this is the last stage of your PBL. Each group will prepare a project which must be related to the Alkaline Diet. Each group will use the general information that was presented in the classroom. There will 4 ways to share this information.

Group # 1 will prepare Newspapers Article through which each member shares information about what Alkaline Diet is.

Group # 2 will present examples and information related to Alkaline food items, Flaxeed Oil, Quark cheese. This could be short educational videos or poster boards. It is important to include details related to how each food item helps to improve your health.

Group # 3 will prepare a Power Point presentation through which any person would know scientists that might discover the cure of cancer. Ex: Johanna Budwig

Group # 4 will prepare a Brochure containing pictures and information about the Alkaline Diet and recipes.