martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Hello Sixth graders, You are about to take test # 3. In order to ready, you must review your knowledge and practice. Here you have a test review which is going to improve your performance during the test.


Watch this tutorial

We are about to start discussing the compound sentence. Do you know what it is? Let's learn more!

Use this game to learn more about it.

II- Sixth graders, this video is going to be very helpful for you to learn more about cause and effect.

Cause and Effect Video

III-Getting the Main idea is easy. Here you can practice!

1. Michael has a baby sister. He loves his sister very much. He helps dress her. He helps feed her. He likes to take her for walks. He helps her learn to talk.

What is the main idea?
a. To tell about Michael and his baby sister
b. To tell about Michael's big family
c. To show why babies are nice
d. To tell about Micheal and his baby brother

2. Bears love to eat honey. They like it because it is sweet. Bears look for honey in the woods. They climb trees to get it. They will eat all the honey they find.
What is the main idea? 
a. Bears like to eat pies.
b. Bears like honey.
c. Bears like to catch bees.
d. Bears like to climb trees.

3. There is a rabbit hole in the field. A rabbit family lives there. Five baby rabbits live there. They are brown. They can hop fast.

What is the main idea? 
a. To tell about five baby rabbits
b. To show where all rabbits live
c. To show why rabbits hide
d. To tell that rabbits love to eat carrots

4. William loves peanuts. He could eat them any time. He eats them after school. He eats them after dinner. He even puts them on ice cream.

What is the main idea? 
a. Peanuts are good for you.
b. Peanuts are easy to grow.
c. William eats lots of peanuts.
d. William only eats peanuts after dinner

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Hello 6-A, you are going to start another PBL (Problem Based Learning). In 2018, students from 6-A
 are going to develop a project related to THE ALKILINE DIET. This is strange for you, for it requires a little bit of research. That is exactly what you are going to do. We are going to work together to learn more about this term. On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, your teacher will set the groups and the instructions to develop the final project. These are the steps to follow:

I- What do you know about THE ALKALINE DIET?
     Is it related to healthy life style?
     Is ALAKLINE DIET a good way to eliminate cancer?
     Do we need to know science to understand it?
     Is everybody able to use the ALKALINE DIET?
     Will this project improve our health?

II- Goup # 1will answer the following question:
     What is the ALKALINE DIET?
Use this link to get information:     
1. Alkaline Diet
2. Alkaline Diet
3. Alkaline  Diet

III- Group # 2 will answer the following question:
Which are examples of alkaline food? Each group member will bring 3 examples of alkaline food.

IV- Group # 3 will list 4 benefits of an alkaline diet.
Use this link to get information:
Alkaline Diet Benefits

V-  Group # 4 will answer the following question:
     What is the evidence against the Alkaline Diet and its benefits?

Use these links to get more information:
Alkaline Diet Review

VI- Group # 5 will answer the following questios or questions:
Is there any evidence related to how Alkaline Diet can eliminate cancer?
*Bring a summary and its evidence or source.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

Fourth graders, you are now learning the SHORT VOWELS. Nothing better than learning it while playing. Here you have a game for you to play and learn more words. Remember you are going to locate short vowels words. you are also going to learn something about long vowel words.

Watch this video!

Let's play!:

Another short vowels game
