lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Hello sixth graders. I hope you are ready to get a good grade. This test review will help you even more. Let's work.

III- Identify important details

____1.  Romans believed that volcanoes were formed because _________, their god of fire, worked in a hot forge.

a.  Vulcan     b.  Versuvius                    c.  Venus                    d.  Ventian


__2.  In Hawaii the legend says that ________________the  goddess of fire, was the cause of volcanoes.

a.   Namaka               b.  Kilaleu                     c.  Mauna Loa           d.  Pele


__3.   The people of Iceland believed that underwater volcanoes erupted because_______________the norse god   of fire was angry.

a.  Sam                      b.  Surtsey                   c.  Iceman                  d.  Namaka


__4.  Volcanoes erupt because heat turns rock inside a volcano into_________________.

a.  cracks               b. holes                         c.  magma                 d.  ashes


__5.  When magma flows out of a volcano, it is called_________________.

      a.  lava                        b.  caldera                      c.   fault                     d.  cinder


__6.  The top of a volcano is called a_________________________.

     a.  fault                       b.  crater                         c.  plate                      d.  caldera


__7.  Most volcanoes are found near the________________________shoreline.

      a.  Atlantic      b.  Mediterranean       c.  Pacific                  d.  Caribbean


__8.  AA is a type of  Hawaiian lava that is______________________.

     a.  thick                       b.  thin                            c.  red                        d.  rocky


__9.  Pahoehoe is a type of Hawaiian lava that is____________________.

    a.  red                          b.  thin                            c.  thick                     d.  smooth


___10.  ____________________is the largest volcano in Hawaii.

   a.  Mauna Loa            b.  Kilauea                      c.  Namaka                d.  Honolulu
II- Match the vocabulary
___1. Dormant                                    a. crack on earth’s surface
___2. Core                                         b. center of the earth
___3. Geologist                                  c. inactive volcano
___4. Fault                                        d. section of the earth’s surface
___5. plate                                        e. scientist who studies the earth


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