lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Fifth graders, Hope you are havig a good time. Here you have something to learn more about Subject -Verb Agreement. Watch the video and practice. This is for Spe. Educ. student as well.

Use this link to watch the video:

Here you have more practice. Write this exercise. Your teacher will discuss it  in class.

Subject and Verb Agreement A verb should agree in number with its subject. 
 Singular subjects take singular verbs. 
Example:  Lemon cake is delicious. 
 Plural subjects take plural verbs.
 Example:  The apples are sweet. ___________________________        _____ 

Directions:  Underline the verb in the parentheses that agrees with its subject.
1.  The family dog ( is, are ) is named Clifford.
2.  Clifford ( is, are ) a huge golden retriever.
3.  The silly dog ( love, loves ) to chase the water from the sprinkler.
4.  As the sprinkler ( sling, slings ) the water, Clifford ( snap, snaps ) at it.
5.  The neighbors ( laugh, laughs ) at him.
6.  He also ( chase, chases ) butterflies in the yard.
7.  I am not sure what he ( think, thinks ) they are.
 8.  I don’t think he ( has, have ) ever caught one.
 9.  I wonder what the butterflies ( think, thinks ) about our goofy dog.
10. Although he likes to chase butterflies, he never ( chase, chases ) rabbits.

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