sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

PBL Fourth Grade

Hello fourth graders, here I am going to show you very interesting models that Chile and Japan are using to reduce deaths during earthquakes. Each PBL group in Fourth grade will create drawings to share this information with your teachers and classmates. Next Friday, April 27,2018 we are going to discuss these drawings and you will receive points.

The drawing resembles the correct model  /5
Houses, buildings and bridges are included   /5
Uses English to describe the drawing  /5
Uses creativity to share the drawing    /5
It is handed in to the teacher on time    /5

5: Proficient: A high degree of competence
4: Capable: An above average degree of competence
3: Satisfactory: A satisfactory degree of competence
2: Emerging: A limited degree of competence
1: Beginning: No key elements are adequately developed

Remember. You must make use of English words when describing your model. Example: Walls - floor- reinforce concrete- hollow concrete brick

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